Our Mission

To share the love of Christ by growing relationships and gardens with immigrants and refugees in the St. Louis area.

Our Vision

To engage our church, Central Presbyterian Church, and others to build and maintain relationships with immigrants and refugees, primarily through gardening.

Our Work

Harvest volunteers have built more than a hundred backyard raised-bed gardens, partnering with refugees from Nepal, Somalia, Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Congo and more.

We seek to maintain relationships with families through ongoing visits and events. These include summer Bible camps, Harvest/Thanksgiving gatherings and an Advent Christmas party. As occasions arise, we host baby showers, Naturalization celebrations and birthday parties.

Our Core Values

Christ Centered - We seek to glorify God in all that we do and say while working with families and one another.

Relational - We want to establish and build intentional relationships with immigrants and refugees in our city. It is our hope and desire through our love that comes from Christ, that we are able to share our identity in Him.

Respectful - We aim to be respectful of immigrants and refugees of all backgrounds and cultures as we enter into relationship with them.

Compassionate - We seek to show the love and compassion of Christ by helping families meet specific needs, by giving and receiving hospitality and by loving in any other tangible ways that may arise.

Collaborative - We actively partner with other churches and organizations that strategically work together to love immigrant and refugee families in St. Louis.